bernard bear

create Meta Tags A More Perfect


the way below:

1. Jangan terjadi duplikasi antara judul blog dengan deskripsi blog (kata-katanya sama).

2. We recommend that the number of characters not more than 500 keywords katrakter.

3. For the number of keywords should not be more than 20 keywords. Fitting too many keywords that could be considered spam by seach engines.

4.Keyword that the tide should be related to the contents of the postings.

5. Perform analysis of the meta tags that you plug

Here is the format of the old meta tags

<meta name="description" content=" Deskripsi blog "/>

<meta name="keywords" content=" keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, dst "/>
The format of the old meta tags were considered less than optimal, for a new meta tag format that is added to the blog title or title blog. Here is a new meta tag format

<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle + " - Deskripsi blog"' name='description'/>

<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle + ", keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, dst"' name='keywords'/> 

With the new meta tag format is expected to increase the amount of traffic to our blog. Okay good luck buddy! 

multiply blog visitors with Google buzz

   how to share our blog posts to google buzz. easy way freind kok,,,, see picture below! without needing much explanation I'm sure already understand your point.

This one I bring visitors to the blog through existing social networks. google buzz and could become an alternative choice for you even if users are not as many as facebook and twitter.

How to Improve Strategies blog visitors

 1.List to the Search Engine (SEO)) Blog Walking
3.Use the right keywordsr
4.Optimize Blog Search Engine Position

How to Make Your Savings Balance Inquiry

   Maybe now you're doing business online that do transfer2 money into your account, of course cape Dunk should go back and forth to the bank for a check has been sent yet, now is a way to check your balance by sms banking some Bang like BCA, BRI, and others.

Steps you can see here


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